Presbytery Summary

Presbytery of New Harmony

Digest of November 19, 2024
115th Gathering of the Presbytery of New Harmony


The Presbytery of New Harmony held its 115th Gathering at Morris College, November 19, 2024. Moderator Rev. Tony Larson called the meeting to order with prayer. Following the declaration of a quorum, the Docket and Omnibus Motion were adopted. First-time Ruling Elders were welcomed. Corresponding Members were introduced and seated. The Presbytery was welcomed by President of Morris College, Dr. Said Sewell. 


Worship was led by David LaMotte, along with Accompanist, Kendrick Huggins; Liturgist Rev. Jen Kottler, Ruling Elder, Susan Holton, Rev. Dr. Ella Busby, and the Morris College Gospel Choir. The offering, of approximately $1,100, went to Morris College for financial aid to its student; while it was being collected, Juanita McLeod, our Office Administrator, provided one of her original Gospel Rap. Following worship, David LaMotte made a presentation to the Presbytery. This was followed by reflections and questions and responses.


Ruling elders shared “Good News from our Congregations.” A presentation was received from Stefanie Marsden, Relations Manager of the Texas Presbyterian Foundation. 


Presbytery took the following action:

  • ·Received a report from the Guiding Council including information on the formation of Administrative Commissions for Hebron Presbyterian Church and Timmonsville Presbyterian Church and approved recommendations on the ability to take action by unanimous consent between meetings; the election to the Committee on Representation and Nominations of Teaching Elder Rodney Foster as moderator, Carrie Hampton and Teaching Elder John Parks to the class of 2025, and approved, on its second reading the 2025 Budget of the Presbytery in the amount of $663,670.
  • Received a report from the Stated Clerk with information of the Synod of South Atlantic approving the 2023 Presbytery minutes and the fulfillment of the Commission to install Rev. Stewart Rawson as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, on September 15, 2024.
  • Received a report from the Committee on Ministry with information concerning minimum terms for Commissioned Pastors and Supply Pastors, with the reminder that covenants are due into the Presbytery office before December 31, 2024, and the approval of Rev. William “Bill” Blackie for membership in New Harmony Presbytery and his wife, Jean, a United Methodist Pastor, for our Pulpit Supply List.
  • Received a report from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry including approving the enrolling of Inquirer Holly Bannan as a Candidate for Ordination, after completing her examination of the floor of Presbytery, and giving Inquirer Darren Wilson permission to take the Theology, Worship and Sacraments, Polity, and Biblical Exegesis standard ordination exams by alternative means. 
  • Received a report from the Committee on Representation and Nominations and approved their recommendations for membership in committees, commissions, councils, boards, and moderators of the Presbytery. 
  • Received a report from the New Harvest Administrative Commission informing Presbytery of their progress.


Following announcements which included information on receiving the weekly publication “This Week in New Harmony” and contact information for subscribing ( or and expressions of thanks, the meeting was adjourned with prayer by Moderator, Tony Larson.

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