Digest of February 9, 2025, 116th Gathering
of the Presbytery of New Harmony
The Presbytery of New Harmony held its 116th Gathering at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Surfside Beach on February 8, 2025. Moderator Rev. Tony Larson called the meeting to order with prayer. Following the declaration of a quorum, the Docket and Omnibus Motion were adopted. A Land and Labor Acknowledgement was presented. First-time Ruling Elders were welcomed. Corresponding Members were introduced and seated. Rev. Tony Larson, host pastor, welcomed the Presbytery and gave pertinent information to the body.
Worship was led by Co-Moderator of the General Assembly, Rev. CeCe Armstrong, focusing on the theme, “What Did Jesus Say.” She was assisted in worship by musicians Ann Long and Dr. Diana Scroggins, Rev. Joshua Jang, Rev. Dr. Ella Busby, Rev. Dr. Frank Colclough, Rev. Dr. Christa Brewer, Rev. Gavin Meek, and Rev. Ashley Cheek. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was celebrated. Rev. Soo Hoon Lee was remembered as well as Ruling Elders who had entered the Church Triumphant. An offering of $1,205 was received for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Rev. Ashley Cheek, First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, was installed as Moderator of Presbytery as a part of worship.
Co-Moderators of the General Assembly, Rev. CeCe Armstrong and Rev. Tony Larson gave a presentation on the “State of the Presbyterian Church.” Juanita McLeod, the outgoing Office Administrator, was recognized and words and a gift of appreciation was present to her. Following a delicious lunch, Ruling Elders shared “Good News from our Congregations.”
Presbytery took the following action:
Following announcements and expressions of thanks, the meeting was adjourned with prayer by Moderator, Ashley Cheek.